Dear Televisionista Readers...
...undergo some serious changes. Obviously, it will have something to do with the frequency of updates, but there's a lot more that I would like to know before the next TV season begins and that is why I came up with a little survey.
Those of you who have enjoyed the blog over a certain period of time (be it two years, or just two weeks) are more than welcome to contact me at my email address
If you have a few moments to spare, I would send you a little 20-question reader survey in a Word document, which I would kindly ask you to fill in, save the changes, and send back to the same email address.
It may not be the most convenient way for you to participate in the survey, but I didn't want to post any polls on the blog, for technical and other reasons.
Once you get the survey, you may fill in all the questions, or just a select few (simply omit those you do not wish to answer), whatever feedback you are able to send, I will greatly appreciate it, and use it to improve the blog quality.
Having said that I will say that regular updates, and I really mean regular this time, will resume on Tuesday, July 1.
Yes, I'm aware that I have made all kinds of promises before, so I guess you'll just have to trust me on this one. :)
Basically the idea is, SAG strike or no SAG strike, to get ready for the upcoming season in July and August with a bunch of posts on the upcoming new TV season and then cover it every step of the way, once our favorite shows return in September.
A huge thank you to all of you who will be kind enough to take part in the survey, and to everyone else, I hope you're having a great summer and hope to see you here soon.
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