Monday, August 06, 2007

ABC's "Dirty Sexy" Blog Campaign

Earlier today, ABC launched an unorthodox advertising campaign for its new fall sudser "Dirty Sexy Money" on the Perez Hilton blog with star Samaire Armstrong (Anna on "The O.C.") presented in a paparazzi-style image as the drama's troublemaking daughter Juliet Darling.

The post entitled "Puleeeze!" (a staple on Hilton's blog) stands out on yellow background and reads:

"It turns out the only place Juliet Darling can really act and react is in front of the press. When questioned about her less than stellar reviews for her stage debut, she had three words for the media, 'well, you’re poor!' Goes to show that even with scads of dirty sexy money, you can’t buy talent or class."

Earlier this year, ABC came up with another inventive idea to promote their new Dynasty-esque series - while the reporters were waiting to see the sheriff pick up Paris Hilton and take her to court, a plane flew across the sky carrying the sign "We Love Paris - The Darling Family."

ABC has used such creative ways to promote its new shows in the past as well - before the 2004 debuts of "LOST" and "Desperate Housewives" the network advertised the dramas placing letters from LOST castaways into bottles of water in restaurants and putting Desperate slogan and logo on dry cleaning bags.

This is
Entertainment Exposed

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