Friday, June 08, 2007

Judge Throws Paris Hilton Back Into Jail

The Hilton saga reached a meltdown point as judge ordered that a sobbing Paris Hilton go back to jail to serve out the remaining 40 days of her sentence. As emotional Rick and Kathy Hilton stood in disbelief, the heiress was physically escorted out of the courtroom screaming "Mom, mom, mom!"

Hilton, who was brought to court in handcuffs in a sheriff's car, came into the courtroom disheveled and weeping, hair askew, sans makeup, wearing a gray fuzzy sweat shirt over slacks.

She cried throughout the hearing, her body shook constantly and she dabbed at her eyes, clasping her hands, as if praying. Several times she turned to her parents, seated behind her in the courtroom, and mouthed, "I love you." At one point during the hearing however, a deputy ordered Hilton to stop turning around to look at her mother, Kathy Hilton.

The Hilton family lawyers have already begun to draw an appeal and are expected to file it either later today or immediately on Monday morning. Paris was taken into the Twin Towers jail straight from the courtroom.

Now, although I obviously do believe Paris needs to take genuine responsibility for her reckless behavior, I can't help but feel the public uproar and the media coverage of what used to be a DUI case have perverted themselves into a cheap, almost pornographic thrill of hoi polloi seeing a woman who was born into a life of privilege hit rock bottom.

Well it's either that or perhaps I have been watching those nitwits on FOX News too much again. And that can't be healthy, so I better flip over to Comedy Central now.

Entertainment Exposed


  1. It was good that she went to prison the first time and she should have stayed, but they did let her go. I think it is cruel to make her go back to court and have to sit back helplessly as her world is falling apart in front of millions. The LA Judicial System should be ashamed of itself.

  2. I agree with anonymous. But I also think the media gave this story far too much attention. Media Are A Girl's Best Friend

  3. Such a mediahype... They should get their preorities straight... All the mess that's happening...and THIS gets so much media attention..

    it's just silly beyond words.
