Friday, June 08, 2007

Angry Isaiah May Fight Back

And I was hoping we could put this one behind us. Actor Isaiah Washington is livid that he was fired from ABC's hit drama "Grey's Anatomy" and he may fight back in court. The backstage soap opera continues.

As TV Guide reports, the actor is puzzled by the timing of the decision. His rep, Howard Bragman had this to say: "If they wanted to fire him why didn't they fire him when [the incident] happened?"

"Why did they say, 'Here's what you need to do if you want to come back… ' and then, when he did everything that was asked of him, he still gets fired. Why do you treat somebody like that?"

"If you made a mistake, you acknowledged the mistake, you went into counseling, you met with the groups, you did the PSA, you did everything that was asked of you, and then they still kick you in the gut? How would you feel?"

"There was a discussion and it was agreed upon that this is what needs to be done to come back, and he did everything," he added. "And, in fact, WE were the ones that pushed for the PSA."

He does have a point there. I always said Isaiah should have been fired way back in January. Reproached in October, fired in January. Was Shonda Rhimes trying to protect the creative flow of the show?

In any event, the actor will be looking into legal options, although no decision has been made whether to file a lawsuit or not.

Although I initially worred he may have a case there, an ABC Studio executive assures that the producers have the legal right to not pick up an actor's option – with or without cause.

To Be Continued. Unfortunately.

Entertainment Exposed


  1. I know what he said was wrong, but comeon ABC. Firing someone for that seems very pointless. I have heard actors utter much more offensive things in many situations and its not even acknowledged. I think the politically correct culture is going a little too far when someone gets fired for saying something, even if what he said was wrong. Its not as if he threatened somebody's life, he simply used an immature insult. If I had everyone who uttered a slur against me fired, the unemployment rate would be a lot high then the extreme low it is now. So I hope he wins his case.

  2. First off, it is well documented that there were other altercations prior to said "incident" in October, and that many cast members felt uncomfortable when in his presance. Second there was physical assult involved and that alone, slur or not, should have gotten him fired. Now I agree that he should have been fired back in October or even January but it is better late than never. It is important that ABC shows that it does not tolorate that kind of language or action and I am pround of them for doing so.

  3. Well, i guess they wanted to finish his storyline instead of making his character disappear out of nowhere. I can see the point of this.

    And again, he assaulted one person, insulted another (twice, or more, i don't know) and nobody felt confortable around him anymore. So i guess this is a perfect decision. People are fired everyday for less than this. This guy created a mess, was able to tranform their working environment and now he deserves.

  4. isaiah just keep quiet and get lost

  5. i seriously don't think he should fight back. for his own's sake. even if he gets back on the show, it will no longer be the same. its true that he did everything that was told of him, and to some extent its unfair, but nobody asked him to say in f-word in the first place. if he had wanted the job so badly in the first place, such a word should not have even been said by him. i like burke, but if burke's gonna be acted by such an actor, then no, i'ld rather burke be gone

  6. It just seems to me that political correctness has gone too far. If we fire Isiah, then we have to fire every national figure who uses a slur against any group of people. Be this group, gays, blacks, white, Christians, jews, etc. Its not that Im mad about them firing Isiah in it of itself, its that I feel that there is a double standard. That certain people are free to say whatever they like about certain groups, while others are not. If you are going to fire Isiah for his slur, then others who use slurs should be fired as well. Is that not fair?

  7. Even though what he did was wrong, he continued on the show for the rest of the season and everyone watched it anyway. I don't believe going to rehab for calling someone a name is actually rehabilitating some but I guess I don't think it is a big of a deal than someone else. And doesn't it seem that Katherine H. is more offended then T. R. Knight? It is like she got some steam shot up her hole from the movies she is in and she's turn high and mighty. She forgets she was pratically an unknown actress before Grey's Anatomy. But I do go back to my original statement maybe we can get a better version of Dr. McChocolatey!!!!

  8. KH was simply defending her friend. After she talked to Isaiah and she said he apologized and said he regreted everything he did. It's not KH's fault that he got fired. She was simply speaking her mind about the whole issue, showing her opinion. The fact he got fired it's his fault, not KH's. She is not responsible for Isaiah being fired.
    And knocked up is a new movie, by the time everything happened she wasn't in any movie.

  9. this is just plain ridiculous..
    i mean, even if he won anything, say, returning to the show for season 4 or winning a vast amount of money, would that look any good at all???

    THINK, isaiah!
