Wednesday, October 03, 2007

VIDEO: Luke and Noah: Maddie's Not Stupid

Not that Luke and Noah are. But, when people want things too much, they tend to turn a blind eye and that's exactly what happens as Noah desires both his happiness with Luke, and his dad's approval. Judging by the previews I gather the fishing trip does take place. Now if only someone would finally do away with that homicidal nitwit.

This is
Entertainment Exposed


  1. Now you shouldn't go wishing death upon anyone. That's just not nice. Many villains reform themselves and become interesting characters.

  2. Mea culpa.

    I had thought the expression 'do away with' does not necessarily have to imply murder.

    On the other hand, I see capital punishment for first degree murderers is still quite popular across the US.

  3. Yeah but that's in real life. Capital Punishment is rarely any fun on television shows. Although one time I did enjoy the scenes, but mainly because of the stellar acting.

    But, villains are good. They(usually) keep the main characters on their toes and sometimes you end up cheering for the villain, especially when he practically outsmarts the heroes all the time.(Sometimes you just gotta support the underdog)
