Thursday, October 18, 2007

Samaire Armstrong's Extreme Eating Disorder

TV Guide has revealed that the star of the increasingly addictive "Dirty Sexy Money" (who am I kidding? they had me before the pilot was cast) Samaire Armstrong checked into rehab one week ago for "extreme eating disorders" and "serious cutting."

Early speculations that she may have a drug problem were dismissed by the insiders who claim Samaire Armstrong never used drugs and rarely touched alcohol.

Allegedly, Samaire's eating disorder stems from emotional instability.

27-year old Japan-born actress plays a pill-popping suicide-prone Paris Hilton-esque wannabe thespian "Juliet Darling" on the ABC adult drama.

This is
Entertainment Exposed


  1. Poor girl, eating disorders suck.

  2. Go Samaire u r one of my favs ppl i am ur fan since the oc, u can beat anything. Peru
