Sunday, October 28, 2007

Daily Eye Candy Is Moving

Beginning November 1, Televisionista's Daily Eye Candy collection of the hottest and the most beautiful men in the world of fashion, television and film is moving to an all-new blog.

The Daily Eye Candy posts already hosted on this blog will continue to be available and links to all of them will be on the new blog as well.

Those of you who enjoy male beauty can however continue to check out the photo shoots, runway images and print advertisements of the hottest models and actors on the new DAILY EYE CANDY blog.

I guess in TV slang, we could call it a spin-off. And more of those may be on the way.

This is
Entertainment Exposed


  1. hey there a reason why you are moving daily eye candy? just curious.

  2. I believe blogs should have a clear focus. Since there was less TV-related material during the summer hiatus I experimented a bit with Daily Eye Candy, box office charts & movie news, and updates about non-TV celebrities, just to see what works and what doesn't.

    Of all of the above, Daily Eye candy updates have been the most successful, so I thought they deserve a blog of their own.

    They will continue to be promoted on Televisionista (especially if there is a post with hot new images of a TV star), but for Search Engine Optimization reasons, I believe they'll work even better on a separate blog.

  3. Good Choice!
    while I do enjoy clicking those links, it just didn't feel right for the site. It made your site very NSFW

    let us know what new link is I can see those pictures after night...

  4. Just click on "DAILY EYE CANDY" highlighted in blue in the text above and you can get to the new site.

    I will also put a link in the sidebar.

    I'm also thinking of a pull-down menu (with some of the top models) linking to top posts in the new blog.

  5. Totally unacceptable, Justin!

    You better put shirtless pictures of yourself in interesting poses, so as not to alienate your core fans who expect eye candy on this blog


  6. What? And risk those pictures resurfacing once I'm rich and famous?!

    Hey, we still have 'Hunk Watch'! :)

  7. OK, Justin, then you'll just have to send those pictures to my personal e-mail instead. I'll keep them in a safe place for ya ;)

  8. Sorry, I'll have to save them for the sweeps (no, not the November sweeps) or for desperate times when the blog traffic starts going down. :)
