Here is the unedited version of Patrick Dempsey's interview with the entertainment magazine Extra. No major spoilers here, but the actor does confirm what Shonda Rhimes had promised - after all the mayhem of season 3, the writing in season 4 does go back to "Grey's Anatomy's" lighter, comic roots.
Well, MerDer always have drama and the Gizzie thing is drama, but I think maybe he means there is going to be a better balance with comedy and drama, Reading the sides though, they have lots of rocky relationships in them, which probably means we are going to have lots of rocky problems with the love relationships too. As long as Gizzie and MerDer end up together though, I will be ok. Last season was ok, a bit too sad, but had some great moments too and it is when George and Izzie got together, so I loved it for that.