Saturday, September 01, 2007

Luke & Noah: Gay Saga Continues (VIDEO)

Have Luke and Noah finally been busted by Maddie? Check out the latest video update of "As the World Turns" popular gay storyline which continued this week with a tender near-kiss moment, Noah's continuing struggle within and Maddie's first suspicions.

Although it was meant as a joke, I loved it when straight characters referred to Maddie's plans to move in with Noah as "living in sin." For lying to yourself and wasting your entire life living a lie really is a cardinal sin.

Now, what about Noah's father? Was it really his conservative background that made him feel awkward when he was touched by a woman, or are those of you - who believe he may have a little secret of his own - right?

Gays of Our Lives @
Entertainment Exposed


  1. Oooooh wouldn't that be interesting, if the Colonel cruised guys in the bathroom LOL...

    Don't get me started Justin :)

  2. Luke is kinda CUTE...i like his lips...almost as perfectly different as David Anders..
