Friday, June 29, 2007

Madame Tussaud's Unveils VIP Room Wax

Madame Tussaud's New York has unveiled new wax figures of Justin Timberlake, Christina Aguilera, Usher, Jessica Simpson, Paris Hilton and Madonna for the opening of their club MTNY VIP room. Take a look, after the jump.

Entertainment Exposed


  1. He's bringing waxy back...

  2. The Madonna One is really poorly done. It doesn't even look a little bit like her...the rest were very nice;)

  3. is the pic of Tom Cruise on the nazi story from here too?
    cos it looks it. Lol.
    all of them cept madonna's look like them but i wish paris wasn't there. yea she does the vip thing but all the rest are singers - good ones (well cept Jess maybe) and paris is eww.

  4. yes, the Tom Cruise pic from the nazi story is from Madam Tussaud's, but not from the VIP room. It's an older figure.

  5. 'i see wax people'

    Am i the only one, thinking it's a bit weird...?
