Friday, June 29, 2007

I-Phone? You're Not Getting One!

There is a really fun article over at Variety about why many Hollywood showoffs won't be putting their greedy fingers on the phone that is all the rage this week. Is Apple's I-phone really worth all the hoopla?

According to the magazine, studios, networks and agencies have been busy informing employees that, despite the frequent pleas, they can't replace their Blackberry with the phone everyone seems to be drooling over.

Companies including HBO and Warner Bros. sent memos to all employees telling them to stop bugging the IT department - they're not getting an I-Phone because "it lacks key security features which make it unsuitable as a corporate email device."

The new device is also criticized for its high price ($500-$600), compatibility issues (such as not running on 3G network), being sold exclusively with plans, touch-screen keyboard which got mixed reviews, etc.

And if all that isn't enough - have you seen the lines for this thing?! Sure, you may think it looks like the coolest product on Earth, but seriously - would you wait in line for days to get a mobile phone? That's just insane.

The Variety article goes on to conclude all the ritzy-blitzy Hollywood people will, of course, get one anyway. After all, it's not only about keeping up with the Jones'. In Hollywood, one needs a phone to do all their booty calls on, and they may as well do that in style.

Entertainment Exposed


  1. I've never even owned an Ipod, although I'll be tempted to get one as the prices go down. As for the Iphone, is it just me, but does it seem like that thing will crack as soon as it hits the floor? I am pretty clumsy with gadgets!

  2. And the liberal mayor of Philly spent his day in line for one of these, while he was supposed to be working. No wonder crime has skyrocketed in Philly.
