Sunday, December 30, 2007

Rosie O'Donnell: "It Was the Split-Screen"

MAY 29, 2007: Rosie O'Donnell explained in a video entry on her blog this weekend the reason she decided to cut her stay on ABC's "The View" three weeks short was "the split-screen." That and last Wednesday's winner of the "Bill O'Reilly Award" for the most irritating TV personality, co-host Elisabeth Hasselbeck.

Speaking of Billo, the spirit of his silly news channel was alive and kicking when the producers of "
The View" stooped to "split-screen" tactics, a decision that apparently sent the controversial host packing.

In one of his rare moments of lucidity, The Donald actually sided with O'Donnell (before unleashing a farewell swing at her later on MSNBC) calling Hasselbeck one of "the dumbest people on television" and branding anyone who supports continuing American presence in Iraq "an imbecile."

Year-to-year ratings for the ABC talker, which is expected to address O'Donell's departure on tomorrow morning's show, are 18% up among women 18-49, capping off a successful season of bitchslapping, catfighting, obnoxiousness and combovers.

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  1. Ok, Rosie is leaving because of Elizabeth? Gimme a break, how childish is that? Its a show about views, but I guess Rosie just couldn't take anyone else's viewers getting heard. Now she's running away? Comeon, Elizabeth did not treat her that badly, Rosie's said much worse things during her stay.

  2. Who said Rosie was running away? She has the right to be sick and tired of arguing with Elizabeth.

    Elizabeth is, on the other hand, entitled to expressing her right-wing agenda.

    But given the dimwitted manner in which she does so, there comes a point when one has to say - enough is enough.

    And the split screen? What the hell was that? Faux News?

  3. Rosie has every right to run, but comeon, its not like Rosie hasn't professed her agenda all year. The Split Screen was pretty funny actually, I found it quite amusing. Im sure if the shoe were on the other foot, Rosie would not have cared bout the split screen. Plus, her assistant had to sink to drawing a mustache on Elizabeth's picture(confirmed by ABC), ok, are they in Kindergarden or something?

  4. Ha-ha... She's a wacky lady, Rosie's writer Janette Barber. She's the one sitting next to Rosie in her weekend blog video post.

    Well, immature or not, that's really the least Rosie's "friend" Hasselbeck deserved after that showdown on Wednesday.

    I actually don't think Hasselbeck intentionally helped FOX News and similar heinous organizations commit this character assassination.

    She is simply thick... thick... thick. And when that is combined with being loud, than that is a very irritating trait in people.

  5. Could you please point out what Hasselback did on Wednesday? Sounded to me like she simply faught back(finally, My mom would've torn Rosie a new one her first day there) and Rosie couldn't take it. I guess only 1 "view" is allowed on the view, and when an opposing view is expressed, well, than its automatically villified. Seems to me that if anyone acted inapproprietly on Wednesday, it was not Elizabeth Hasselback.

  6. I rarely agree with Elizabeth but I am on her side with this whole fued. Rosie comes off as a bully believing she's the victim. If so many people are having issues with you maybe it is just you. I don't understand how she is upset at ELizabeth when ELizabeth was not on FOX news saying that Rosie thinks the American Troops are terrorists. I agree that she was way more than Elizabeth was on wed. When sje said "........for three weeks you can say whatever Republican crap......" that was hella rude. I guess it is true that the only way to defeat a bully is to stand up to them. See ya later Rosie. I know some people will miss you on the show.

  7. First she kept interrupting Joy with her sarcastic comments, then she failed to address some valid points raised by Rosie (enemy definition, civilian casualties) and finally she refused to defend her "friend" Rosie after a so-called news channel misconstrued her statements. And let us not forget all the finger-pointing and shouting and a bunch of really inane responses for that final irritating touch.

  8. I think we are going to need a split screen with all the divergent opinions on this board!

    I hope you won't stop blogging if a split screen is put up Justin! LOL

  9. I rarely watch the view but recently, Rosie has brought to my attention how unbalanced it is. I mean, they only got 1 represenative from the right side on. And Joy's list of Bush's "flaws" was so laughable. I mean, I could probably make a similar list for every politician. Its also laughable at how Elizabeth is made out to be the villian here. Well, from what I heard, Rosie was the one throwing around insults, calling Elizabeth a coward. I know if I, and many others I know, were in Elizabeth's shoes, what Elizabeth said to Rosie would have been singing her praises.

  10. And if I were in Rosie's shoes, Elizabeth would be running out of the studio in tears. She was too soft with Elizabeth, but I understand her decision.

    Hey, Roland. That's a great idea. You're a genius. :)) But, no worries. This is all just an act. We're all buddies. We go bowling together. LOL... :)

  11. Yeah! Buddies can disagree.

    If Elizabeth would've been running out in tears, Rosie would've been suicidal after I g0ot done with her. I happen to think that Elizabeth is way to nice with Rosie. I know a few famous women would would make Elizabeth Hasselback look like Mother Teresa.
