Wednesday, May 09, 2007

AT THE MOVIES: Felicity Huffman's "Georgia Rule" & Lindsay Lohan's Backstage Antics

Academy Award winner Jane Fonda, "Desperate Housewife" Felicity Huffman, and cocaine-scandal star Lindsay Lohan play family in the new romantic comedy "Georgia Rule" opening nationwide tomorrow.

The movie revolves around a rebellious, uncontrollable teenager (Lohan) who is hauled off by her dysfunctional mother (Huffman) to spend the summer with her grandmother (Fonda).

Dermot Mulroney ("My Best Friend's Wedding") and Laurie Metcalf (Carolyn Bigsby on "Desperate Housewives") also star.

During the filming of the movie, Lindsay Lohan received a warning letter from the studio CEO because of her "discourteous, irresponsible and unprofessional" conduct of a "spoiled child" which "has endangered the quality of the picture."

Lohan also caused a scandal when she appeared intoxicated for a Disneyland photo shoot during a break in production. Disneyland management in Burbank did not pursue a PR damage control campaign as numerous reports verified the events.

Huffman (pictured above at Regis & Kelly) defended Lohan in recent promotional interviews for the movie saying she was professional in her work. Lohan was snapped yesterday with Huffman's book "Practical Handbook for Boyfriend."

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