Thursday, May 03, 2007

CSI's Sara May Survive After All

TV Guide reports CSI star Jorja Fox is in talks with CBS to stay on the hit procedural for another season. In this year's season finale Fox's character Sara Sidle is hit by a car, but an earlier plan to kill off the character as a result of the accident has been scrapped.

The actress and co-star George Eads staged a walkout in the summer of 2004 following a salary dispute with the network. At the time, both actors were fired, prompting them to reach an agreement and return to work.

In the meantime, Fox was given a more prominent place on the show, and after the actress staged a similar walkout for one day of shooting this year, the network continued to negotiate the new contract.

Jorja's character's fate will be ambiguous at the end of the current season, giving the actress an opportunity to return to work.

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