Sunday, April 15, 2007

They're Out And They're Proud at GLAAD Media Awards

Three famous gay men who made headlines last year when they decided to come out in public made an appearance last night at the Kodak Theater in Los Angeles at the GLAAD Media Awards and they had something to be proud of.

Singer Lance Bass (N'Sync), actor T.R. Knight ("Grey's Anatomy") and actor Neil Patrick Harris ("How I Met Your Mother") had all initially been reluctant to come out of the closet.

Current media climate and the proliferation of weblogs have however allowed voices that may have been silenced in the past to say or print openly what conventional media would have eagerly avoided.

It has therefore become more challenging for studios, agents and PR gurus of Hollywood to perpetuate the heterosexual myth of some of their leading yet closeted gay men and women.

Those at the forefront of change have stepped forward in destruction of one of the oldest and most wretched institutions of Hollywood - the closet.

I therefore salute these reluctant heroes who had found sufficient courage to stand up for themselves and respond to the events that led to their revelation with grace.


  1. TR looks so good in that picture!

    I salute them too!

  2. Neil Patrick Harris was so funny from what I heard.

    I also applaud all major celebrities for coming out. :)

    Maintainer of Luke MacFarlane Fansite
