Friday, April 27, 2007

Televisionista Returns May 1

Dear all,

Within an hour I will be on my way to the airport leaving for a little long weekend in the UK. That means there won't be any updates on "Televisionista" till Tuesday, May 1. Coming up in May, all the sweeps mania, reports from the Upfronts with new schedules and pilots, and then the best and the worst of the 2006-2007 season. I hope you all have a great weekend, thanks again for coming here, and I'll be seeing you back on Tuesday morning.



  1. Have a safe and fun trip Justin!

    We'll miss you!

    And thanks for all the hard work you do to entertain and inform us...

  2. Tnx for all the hard work, have a lot of fun on your trip, we will be waiting for you to come back! Take Care..


  3. THANX for all the info. Be safe, have fun, and God Bless!

  4. have a nice trip, justin.
    i don't really know you, but i'm gonna miss you.
    i love coming here every day.

  5. Where abouts in the UK did you go?

  6. Hey Justin - hope its a productive, fun and safe trip..but hurry back..miss your blog and the hotties!...Plus when are they announcing when my 'Christine' and 'How I Met Your Mother' are coming back....i'm sure 'The Class' is toast... - tk care ..

    Mark - Toronto

  7. Thank you, guys! I appreciate that. I've been to the UK many times in the past, but this time I decided to explore East Midlands. And I really enjoyed it. It was a great holiday. Plus I survived driving on the left! LOL... Well, back to work...
