Friday, April 27, 2007

"LOST's" Cuse: "It's Not Purgatory"

LOST's new character, the injured parachutist Naomi (Marsha Thomason) dropped a bombshell in the concluding moments of this week's episode - Oceanic Flight 815 wreckage was found and there were no survivors. But, as E! Online reports, before you jump up and scream "Ha! I knew it was purgatory", the show writer Carlton Cuse is there to confuse you.

The producer insists the characters on the show are not dead and the island is not a purgatory. This has been said many times in the past, but with the latest revelation it was necessary for the producer to underline that adding: "If we did such a thing after repeatedly stating otherwise, we'd be tarred and feathered!"

Is Naomi lying? Has the Dharma Initiative arranged for a fake wreckage to be found? If so how were they able to come up with dead bodies that would match the real passengers' DNA? Has Ben asked his "magic box" to recreate a fake wreckage for a rescue mission to find? They better have a good explanation for this one.


  1. Thanks for the Lost info! You know I love your blog, especially your Lost postings! Yes I agree, that the Others/Dharma probably created a fake crash site, the DNA is a bit tricky, even if they were burned to a crisp, there'd still be DNA evidence left behind.

    On other news Justin, I heard a little birdie tell me that you are quite the hunky stud! (I wouldn't know since you won't send me your picture! LOL)

  2. But which wrechage was the staged? Was it the one found that had no survivors? Or was it the one that crashed on the island. What if the plane that crashed wasn't the real Oceanic Flight 815? What if every passanger on the plane was lured to that plane? Maybe this is all one big conspiracy. Dharma is obviously behind it. I expect we'll get some answers in episode 20.
